Thinking of Pinturicchio
(While Looking out Sol Lewitt’s Windows)
This project was shot while in residence at Sol LeWitt’s studio in Spoleto, Italy, during June of 2010. The project is a result of thinking about how both LeWitt and Pinturicchio, though working 500 years apart, had a number of concerns in common including the incorporation of the architectural space itself into the artwork.
While in Spoleto I took approximately 1400 photographs out of the windows and doors of the studio building. I ended up choosing 20 images that contained the sky (but no clouds) along with portions of the window frame, various parts of other buildings, trees, etc. I also produced another 20 images that were framed almost identically to the first set except the skies now contained various cloud formations. I then converted everything in the images, except the sky, into a flat shape. Utilizing a color system that employed red, green, blue, yellow and black and a similar set of colors photographically sampled from a Pinturicchio fresco in Spoleto I generated 280 distinct images. The resulting pictures juxtapose the geometric flatness of the shapes against the luminous realism of the sky.

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Hardbound, 8.5” x11”, 284 pages, 280 images. Printed by the artist.
Available as part of a complete set of artist books only.
To order contact Stephen Berens at